Stoma care devices


       The word “stoma” comes from Latin ostium, that means “hole”. Therefore, terms “ileostomy” and “colostomy” describe holes connecting ileum and colon with outside environment.

       Up-to-date stoma care devices have changed life of patients with stoma. Now they shouldn’t think all the time about discomfort connected with stoma activity in public places, in the office and even at home.

       There are two types of stoma care devices on adhesive basis: one-piece and two-piece. One-piece colostomy bag – is plastic stoma bag with adhesive basis. These can be undrained (closed) or drained (opened), that is those having connection with environment. Two-piece colostomy bag is a set that is composed from two parts: adhesive basis and colostomy bag, that have special device for fixing bag to the board – flange.